BNR’s Big Five of the climate debate


Combining social and financial returns for shareholders is essential for financing climate transition

Presenter Art Rooijakkers engages with the Big Five of the climate debate. The guests:

  • Marike Bonhof, financieel directeur van woningcorporatie Ymere
  • Simon van Veen, oprichter en Portfolio Manager van het Sustainable Dividends Value Fund 
  • Marc Davidson milieu- en klimaatfilosoof aan de Radboud Universiteit
  • Pier Vellinga, emeritus hoogleraar voor maatschappelijke implicaties van klimaatverandering aan de VU en klimaat en water aan de Wageningen Universiteit
  • Donald Pols, directeur-bestuurder van Milieudefensie

Many investment funds with terms like ‘sustainable’ or ‘green’ in the name nevertheless invest in fossil fuel companies, researchers from Platform Investico and Follow the Money revealed earlier this year. This raises the question of how environmentally conscious investors can determine whether their invested euro is actually contributing to people and the environment. Transparency about investment choices and clear sustainability criteria could help investors make more conscious choices.

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Looking for more information on sustainable dividend investing? Keep an eye on our Latest section and read more about the Sustainable Dividends Value Fund.

Source: BNR



The fund

Sustainable Dividends offers an investment fund that invests in a well-diversified portfolio of European companies at the forefront of the sustainability transition. Our focus is on a disciplined investment process, while applying both qualitative and quantitative financial criteria.
